Pool task stats

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Status stats

GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)Completed and validated605372500
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)Error while computing460
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)In progress60
GPUGRIDATMbeta: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding v1.07 (cuda1121)Completed and validated1600000
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.20 (cuda1121)Error while computing30
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)Timed out - no response30
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)Aborted by user20
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.20 (cuda1121)Completed and validated4821668
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.03 (cuda1131)Timed out - no response20
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.03 (cuda1131)Aborted by user10
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda102)Error while computing10
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)Error while downloading10
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.20 (cuda1121)In progress10
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.22 (cuda1121)Error while computing30
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)Completed and validated2244168162500
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)Error while computing4940
GPUGRIDATM: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding v1.15 (cuda1121)Completed and validated3134125000
GPUGRIDATM: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding v1.15 (cuda1121)Error while computing460
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)Abandoned60
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)Timed out - no response30
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)In progress40
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)Completed, too late to validate10
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.24 (cuda1121)Error while computing10

Status history

NameAppStatusTodayday ago2 day3 day4 day5 day6 dayweek ago
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)Abandoned00000000
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)Abandoned01111111
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.03 (cuda1131)Aborted by user01111111
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)Aborted by user01111111
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.19 (cuda1121)Completed and validated00000000
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.20 (cuda1121)Completed and validated02222222
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.03 (cuda1131)Completed and validated00000000
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)Completed and validated010101010101010
GPUGRIDATMbeta: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding v1.07 (cuda1121)Completed and validated01111111
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)Completed and validated01009100910091009100910091009
GPUGRIDATM: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding v1.15 (cuda1121)Completed and validated010101010101010
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda102)Completed, too late to validate00000000
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)Completed, too late to validate00000000
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)Completed, too late to validate01110000
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.03 (cuda1131)Error00000000
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.19 (cuda1121)Error while computing00000000
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.03 (cuda1131)Error while computing00000000
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda102)Error while computing01111111
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)Error while computing010101010101010
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.20 (cuda1121)Error while computing03333333
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.22 (cuda1121)Error while computing01112222
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)Error while computing0258258258258258258258
GPUGRIDATM: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding v1.15 (cuda1121)Error while computing02222222
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.24 (cuda1121)Error while computing01110000
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)Error while downloading01111111
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.03 (cuda1131)In progress00000000
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)In progress03333333
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.20 (cuda1121)In progress01111111
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)In progress04443333
GPUGRIDATM: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding v1.15 (cuda1121)In progress00000000
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.03 (cuda1131)Not started by deadline - canceled00000000
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.19 (cuda1121)Timed out - no response00000000
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.20 (cuda1121)Timed out - no response00000000
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.03 (cuda1131)Timed out - no response01111111
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda102)Timed out - no response00000000
GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)Timed out - no response01111111
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)Timed out - no response01111111

Project stats

nametotal countcompletedscorecpu_timetotal_rac109*score/(elapsed_time*total_rac)

Project/app stats (completed)

GPUGRIDPython apps for GPU hosts v4.04 (cuda1131)605372500143321112558360001.4617
GPUGRIDATMbeta: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding v1.07 (cuda1121)16000006708725583600032.5918
GPUGRIDACEMD 3: molecular dynamics simulations for GPUs v2.20 (cuda1121)482166816991525583600016.5669
GPUGRIDQuantum chemistry calculations on GPU v1.04 (cuda1121)22441681625004588835255836000138.2228
GPUGRIDATM: Free energy calculations of protein-ligand binding v1.15 (cuda1121)3134125000834189255836000151.285

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